Do You Know Jesus




The best decision you will make in your life is to invite Jesus Christ into your life. God’s word says in Roman’s 10:9, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.It is simple to invite Jesus into your life. Simply say,

Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.

It’s that simple! If you have said this prayer, “WELCOME TO THE FAMILY”! Your next step will be to find a good Bible based church that believes that the Word of God is true and it also believes in the Holy Trinity: GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. If you are wondering the best place to start in reading the Bible, start with the Gospel of John. Get a Bible that you can easily read and understand. I love the New Living Translation.  Stay in John until you have a complete understanding of Jesus Christ. Then read Matthew, Mark and Luke.  Remember to stay in these Gospels until you have a complete understanding of Jesus Christ.

Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. You can email me at I will be more than happy to help you in beginning your “road to home”.


God bless!!!!

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